Just a few years ago, when I was working for corporate America sitting behind my desk writing reports about a faulty server or inadequate software testing I had just performed, I didn’t know things weren’t normal. I was tired and my mind was foggy, but I kept pushing forward, not realizing just how “off” I was. I didn’t want to lose my job.
Emergency Migraine Kit [Updated]
If you’re a person with Migraine, carrying an Emergency Migraine Kit like mine is important to treating future attacks on-the-go. Get a sneak peek into my EMK and make one of your own!
Why I Say “Thank You” To My Chronically Ill Body
How do you say “thank you” to a body that rarely gives you a day off from pain? How do you find the strength to show gratitude when pain is part of your daily life?
Introducing Achy Smile Shop
Achy Smile presents the Achy Smile Shop! A store for people with chronic illness. You will find tshirts, mugs, hoodies, and more to show your support for the chronic illness community! A portion of the profits proceed a non-profit charity chosen by you.
Broke and In a Bookstore
Life brings you unexpected opportunities when things seem to be at their worst. Being broke is a common and very stressful topic in our home. How does one go from buying school clothes and school supplies to having no food and no money all in one month?
Announcing My Amazon Influencer Page
Well someone thinks I’m an Influencer! I’ve been accepted into the Amazon Influencer Program. What that means is I now have an active Amazon store where I can feature products I like, use, or feel are appropriate for my readers…YOU!