Do you carry a migraine alert card of any kind, like this one? There are a few out there and some doctor’s office will even provide you with one. But I never found one that I liked that matched more of what I go through during an attack. My attacks are pretty scary to witness, quite honestly. Come to think of it, my daughter’s can be worrisome as well due to her severe vertigo. Living with Hemiplegic Migraine is not easy. I can imagine it’s not easy for people to witness if they’ve never seen one before. Most would call an ambulance…it has happened before. But it is unnecessary in most cases. I could see an alert card helping so much in that situation.

To witness an HM attack is a lot like witnessing a stroke. To witness a Vestibular Migraine attack is a lot like seeing someone who is drunk or with altered consciousness. While my husband, kids, and immediate family might know what to do when I have an attack, a complete stranger will not. With my attacks I also get transient aphasia and cannot communicate well or at all. When I had to travel alone for my first RetreatMigraine in 2019 I felt really uncomfortable about possibly having an attack in public, alone. I didn’t have any type of card that described an attack.
I made myself a printed 8.5×11 piece of paper with instructions on what to do if I had an attack and couldn’t speak, where to find my meds, and a copy of my medical id card (which I also made myself). Just knowing that all of this information was in one place made me feel so much better and confident that I could handle a trip alone. I never had to use it, but knowing it was there was like a security blanket.
Fast forward to 2021 and I’ve created a migraine alert card I can carry in my wallet with even better instructions. Generic versions are available at Achy Smile Shop with the ability to upgrade with customization with your pre-printed information. The generic card is only $5 plus $1.50 shipping within the US. International shipping is based off actual costs from the post office or UPS. The upgrade is only $5 more and a better option so your info doesn’t rub off over time. You can use a Sharpie to add your info to the generic cards since they have a nice laminate surface are now made using durable PVC plastic cards the size of a credit card.
The colors really pop on these cards, and for HMers I used the colors purple and green, just like the awareness ribbon. I also added a link from one of my blog posts for people to learn more about HM. You can read it here.
Currently, the migraine alert card is only available for Hemiplegic Migraine. My hope is to have a card for each type of migraine that causes disabling visible and invisible symptoms, like imbalance, paralysis, muscle weakness, inability to speak, inability to see, confusion, etc. If you have a card you’d like to see, please let me know in the comments!
Hemiplegic Migraine Awareness Collection
Check out the Achy Smile Shop Hemiplegic Migraine Awareness Collection!
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