Graduation Derailed by Migraine

I’m emotionally wrecked this month. Although if you were to see me in person you wouldn’t know it. I’m always smiling! Why? I was supposed to graduate with my Associates of Applied Science in Computer Science in a few weeks. Then move right into my Bachelor degree in Cyber Security. Not happening! Last year in October I had to drop all of my courses with a medical waiver. Why? Take a good guess… Severe migraine with Non-epileptic Seizures. We couldn’t control them until now. Even though they are better controlled through medication I am still not allowed to drive or increase my activity level. I’ve been seeing cap and gown photos of my friends and family all over Facebook and it’s a constant reminder of what I’ve had to put on hold in my life… again. While I’m trying to find the bright side, I’m having a really tough time with that right now. I’ve cried and I’m morning yet another delay. I’m not giving up on my degree though, it’s just on hold for a little while!! Gotta keep moving forward!! I’m doing my best, but sometimes you just have to mourn.

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About Author

Erica Nicole Carrasco is a Patient Leader for the Migraine community and lives in Dallas, TX. Together with her husband, they are helping their two children, who also live with migraine, through the trials and tribulations of college life.
