New Migraine Support Group by Achy Smile

Achy Smile Migraine Support Group

Super excited today! A new feature of Achy Smile is a Facebook support group for the Migraine community. This is a “Closed” Facebook group and is managed by me, Erica Carrasco. There are rules in place for your safety, but precaution is always suggested.

Who is the Achy Smile Migraine Support Group for? It’s for…

  • People with Migraine
  • Caregivers for people with Migraine
  • People who care about people with Migraine
  • People who want to learn more about Migraine

For more details, visit the Achy Smile Migraine Support Group page (can also be found in the main menu above).

Ready to go now?? Don’t wait! 

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About Author

Erica Nicole Carrasco is a Patient Leader for the Migraine community and lives in Dallas, TX. Together with her husband, they are helping their two children, who also live with migraine, through the trials and tribulations of college life.
