I was reading an article written by a great friend and fellow person with migraine disease, Jen Cannon. Jen is the author of The Frozen Mind, an inspirational blog about life with chronic illness. Jen vents her frustrations, telling her brain, “Your actions go even deeper than you can realize!” This is a great concept she was challenged with by a fellow blogger and one I’m ready to take on!
So here goes!
Dear Brain
We’ve been friends my whole life. We fight just like sisters and you usually win. Not fair, but I guess life isn’t fair. You know the popular bible quote, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” aka The Golden Rule (see Matthew 7:12)?? Well, guess sometimes I don’t treat you well and in return you let me know it.
My will-power waxes and wanes and I know it’s not healthy for you when I flip-flop through diet after diet. I have good intentions and I know eating healthy gives you a primal living environment. Even though I know this, my eyes and my stomach seem to speak louder than you do. That little devil side of you takes over and a donut for breakfast it is!
A donut, cookie, M&Ms, popcorn, etc. all get eaten on any given day, even when I know that the insulin spike with cause a migraine attack. I do need credit where credit is due, though. I have cleaned up my act and started eating much better so that we can live a better life together. When you’re healthy, almost everything else follows.
I hope my new medication is providing you with a less hostile environment. You shouldn’t have to work so hard anymore to protect me from the disabling symptoms of a Hemiplegic Migraine. So far, two weeks in, things are looking good! I hope that you will continue to accept the help from Aimovig™ and not decide on some random day in a couple months that you just don’t want it around anymore. I’m so tired of your wishy-washy acceptance of the meds I’m trying to use to help us. Get your shit straight!
Well, I guess I’m as much to blame. I don’t eat healthy consistently, I miss my supplements on days I’m feeling well, I over-do-it all the time, and I allow the anxious side of you to control my thoughts. How can we work to gather on this? I’m ready to be a team and not against each other. I’ve got your back!
Forever yours,

Disclaimer: I am a former Amgen and Novartis Spokesperson. This content reflects my own personal opinions and was not created or reviewed by Amgen and Novartis. I was not paid to write this article.
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