#SpeakYourMigraine Awareness Campaign


If you’ve been on my Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram you’ve seen my onslaught of shares from the new #SpeakYourMigraine awareness campaign sponsored by Amgen and Novartis. Remember when I wrote that I visited New York in May but couldn’t tell you why? Well, I participated in this very campaign. It was an eye opening experience for me. The questions I was asked during the photo and video shoot were personal and heartbreaking. Even though I am a migraine advocate, it’s still tough reliving moments that are most emotional for me. You’ll see it all in this campaign. I hope that people who aren’t familiar with migraine -OR- have loved one’s with migraine and throw the first stone will start to understand what it’s like for us. We are not making it up! Migraine is real!


You can also find our ad running on WebMD with a video about Migraine hosted by Robin Roberts of Good Morning America.


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About Author

Erica Nicole Carrasco is a Patient Leader for the Migraine community and lives in Dallas, TX. Together with her husband, they are helping their two children, who also live with migraine, through the trials and tribulations of college life.
