Disclaimer: I was provided a free light bulb from Norb in exchange for my honest review about their green light therapy product. A 10% off coupon code has been provided in this article. All opinions are my own.
I was recently offered a NorbRELIEF light bulb for green light therapy in return for an honest product review. I’ve had my eye on these types of lights for a while now and I knew I had to try it. I hope that my experience will help you decide if trying green light therapy using a NorbRELIEF light bulb is worth it.
What’s In The Box?
When I received my NorbRELIEF light bulb in the mail I was excited to see the green light that could possibly help lower the intensity of a migraine attack. I’ve seen a few ads for it and spoke with the company about its effects. We’re all so different that sometimes you just have to try it yourself.
During my unboxing I pulled out the white, unassuming light bulb from a well designed green box. It’s light in weight and seems very well made. I honestly thought the bulb itself was gonna be green! Ha!
To Lamp or Not to Lamp
When the green therapy light bulb arrived I realized I didn’t have a dimming lamp to put it in. While using a dimming lamp isn’t a requirement, I knew the dimmer function would be key.

If you live with migraine and photophobia, you know how the ability to control the brightness of light is so important. You can add the light bulb to a lamp or to your room light in the ceiling with or without a dimmer. But, I wanted to use a lamp. So I did a quick Amazon search for a dimming lamp.
I found several dimming lamps but I decided to check out Lowe’s before I purchased anything. It was here that I found a super cute lamp. Only thing, it didn’t dim. So I went an isle over and found an attachment that allowed for dimming on ANY lamp! Perfect combination. Note, the dimming plug is cheaper on Amazon.
I have other lamps at home so I liked that I could dim the bulb anywhere with the dimming plug. I honestly didn’t need a new lamp since I bought the dimmer attachment, but it was too cute to leave behind. (I’m a sucker for cute lamps)
Armed with a new light dimmer and my NorbRELIEF green light, I put it to the test. I used it at my desk, in my bedroom, and in the living room.
Ahhhh, That Green Glow!
When I first used the NorbRELIEF light bulb I realized that I could be online longer than without it. It had a similar effect on my eyes as my migraine glasses. I loved that I could go glasses free, especially when lying down. The only issue I had with the green light and using my laptop was when I needed to do graphic design projects. Color is so important and the green light kinda threw off my colors. Thankfully, I can use my migraine glasses in this case.

Love my new lamp!
Buying a new lamp is not required, I just needed an excuse to buy something cute 😉
I love using a NorbRELIEF light bulb in the lamp beside my bed. This is where I have my dimmer installed. Depending if I’m already in an attack or not, I can control how bright the light is. I also made sure to choose a lamp with a good, white lamp shade.
The green light helps keep that eye fatigue away and I’m able to stay online longer. Same with my phone, which I’m on often, especially in bed at night. While it didn’t stop the an attack already in progress, my eyes were very grateful. There were a couple times when my migraine attack was just too strong for the green light, much less my medications to make much of a difference, but, using NorbRELIEF did seem to soothe me through it.
…this green light bulb is a great addition to my migraine toolbox.
Achy Smile
I am a difficult case, as my doctor’s love to tell me. I’ve tried so many medications over the years. What I do rely on to make myself even just a little more comfortable during migraine, which is hard to do, is utilize non-pharmacological resources, like the NorbRELIEF light bulb. In my opinion, this green light bulb is a great addition to my migraine toolbox.
How Does Green Light Therapy Work?
According to the Norb website you can’t use just any light painted green. They explain:
- Specialized patent-pending narrow band green light source designed to have No Flicker (flicker in light products can be a pain trigger)
- Green light does not intensify migraine pain (and in some cases leads to pain reduction)
- Inexpensive, individual-controlled, drug free, and noninvasive
- Can stimulate the body to make more of its own naturally occurring pain killers

Norb suggests users “use at the lowest intensity required for your activity. If brighter than needed, use a dimmer, lamp shade, or more distance. NorbRELIEF is for ambient lighting. Do not look or stare directly into the NorbRELIEF; simply allow NorbRELIEF to illuminate your space—no different than with any other lighting product.”
That’s pretty much what I did! My dimmer plug was a great buy. Together with the dimmer plug on Amazon (minus a lamp), the total cost would have been less than $32 if I purchased a NorbRELIEF light on my own. That’s a pretty good deal! Plus, I have a coupon code for you!!!! Use code: SUPPORT10 for 10% off any products on the Norb website at checkout. Just go to https://norblighting.com/products/. I know there are other products out there with similar technology, but I think the cost of a single light bulb is pretty good for those who are budget conscious, like I am. They also have multipacks available too.

Purple for Migraine Awareness
One funny thing that happens after using a green light like NorbRELIEF is that once you turn it off everything goes purple. Don’t be alarmed! That’s ok and it’s normal. It didn’t hurt or anything like that for me. Norb explains:
Yes—it may seem a bit weird, but it’s completely normal. Purple is the opposite color of green for the human visual system. Our retina contain red, blue and green color photoreceptors. The green cones become saturated by the green light of NorbRELIEF, so momentarily only the combination of red and blue cones are able to be activated until the pigments get recycled by the green photoreceptor cones. It only takes a few minutes for this to go back to normal for most people (without retinal disease).
Norb Lighting
It doesn’t bother me and I kinda look forward to those few seconds. Does that make me weird? Ha!
Where To Get NorbRELIEF Light Bulbs
The only way to know if something will work for you is to try it yourself. We’re all so different, what works for me may not work for you. But, I think this one is worth trying!
Use code: SUPPORT10 for 10% off any products on the Norb website at checkout. Just go to https://norblighting.com/products/
I’m glad I had a chance to give the NorbRELIEF light bulb a go. I really do like how it helps with my productivity, especially since I have some level of head pain almost all the time. You never know, it might be a game changer for you. If it’s not, I will gladly help you find someone to gift it to! It’s worth sharing.
Thank you Norb!

This post may contain affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, if you click through and make a purchase, I may receive a commission.
Disclaimer: I was provided a free light bulb from Norb in exchange for my honest review. A 10% off coupon code has been provided in this article. All opinions are my own.
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