
In early 2017 I was invited by Amgen and Novartis to participate in their new Speak Your Migraine campaign. After telling my story on film, I felt a fire fuel my passion for migraine advocacy. Thanks to the Speak Your Migraine Network, Stephen and I have been able to reach so many people with migraine. Our story is not unique, yet it is. In the videos below you will learn a little about me and a little about Stephen’s struggle to empathize. It’s been a very tough road for the both of us, but that we’re in-synch, we’re stronger together.

Use the hashtag #SpeakYourMigraine on social media posts to show your support for over 4 Million people with chronic migraine. According to the Migraine Research Foundation, “Migraine is an extraordinarily prevalent neurological disease, affecting 39 million men, women and children in the U.S. and 1 billion worldwide.”

Videos From People with Migraine

Videos From Caregivers, Friends, Loved Ones

Married and Migraine

The Stigma of Migraine

Migraine and Empathy, or Lack Thereof

Misunderstanding Migraine

Migraine at Work

Migraine Guilt

Total Life Impact of Migraine

Are you on Instagram?? I am! Follow me @achysmileblog or find me at #achysmile. You can read all about my adventure’s in migraine and say “Hi” once in a while! Let me know how you’re doing.


I met the amazing @empowherbeauty at the Speak Your Migraine photoshoot in November 2017. This was a special moment for both of us. We have known each other online since about 2009 because we both have Hemiplegic Migraine. We met when I was the President of the Hemiplegic Migraine Foundation, now known as the International Hemiplegic Migraine Foundation. I had never met anyone else with HM, and we have kept in touch through Facebook all these years. You can find our video shoot we did together at www.speakyourmigraine.com/staying-ahead-of-migraine-pain/. Just scroll down to the video titled “The Power of Online Friendships” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #chronicmigraine #migrainerelief #migrainelife #migrainewarrior #migraineblogger #spoonielife #spoonieproblems #migraine #chronicpainwarrior #youarenotalone #mham #junephotoaday #blogged #hemiplegicmigraine #achysmile #speakyourmigraine #myopinion #amgennovartisspokespersonmyopinion

A post shared by Erica Nicole Carrasco|Blogger (@achysmileblog) on

Disclaimer: I am a former Amgen and Novartis Spokesperson. This content reflects my own personal opinions and was not created or reviewed by Amgen and Novartis. I was not paid to write this article.
